We accept childcare vouchers, Tax Free Childcare, the Childcare Grant Payment Service, and workplace childcare schemes like Bright Horizons Backup Care. To make a booking using any of these methods:
At the checkout page, tick the box that says "paying through childcare voucher/TFC". Select your provider from the dropdown menu that appears.
Enter the amount that will be covered by your provider and hit the orange "apply" button.
Contact your provider and arrange payment through them. Please note for Bright Horizons/My Family Care customers this means you will need to book through them as well as through us.
Email office@campcanary.co.uk to let us know the date, amount and reference number of payment.
It sometimes takes a few days for TFC or childcare voucher payments to come through to our bank account and when it does we need to match it up to your Magic Booking account so don’t worry if it shows a balance owing for a few days after you make payment. Payments from workplace childcare schemes and the Childcare Grant Payment service can take a lot longer - up to two months - so your account will show a negative balance until we receive payment from these organisations. Please make sure you are paying the right account (we are Camp Canary) and the right location (Canary Wharf or Wapping). Bravo Benefits Registered as Camp Canary 1) Canary Wharf College, E143BA, Ofsted reference 2519719 2) Hermitage Primary School, E1W2PT, Ofsted reference 2800746
Care-4 Registered as Camp Canary account number 41702433
Childcare Grant Payment Service 1) The Canary Wharf location is registered as Camp Canary Limited account numberCCG4926775 2) The Wapping location is registered as Camp Canary Limited account number CCG6443588.
Computershare Carer ID 026386677
Edenred Registered as Camp Canary – account number P21242776 Fair Care Registered as Camp Canary E143BA - account number CCAN0719
Our Ofsted registration number is 2519728. Setting reference numbers are: 1) Canary Wharf College setting reference number 2519729 2) Hermitage Primary School setting reference number 2800746
Sodexo Registered as Camp Canary E143BA account number900395 Tax Free Childcare Registered as Camp Canary: 1) Canary Wharf College, E143BA 2) Hermitage Primary School, E1W2PT Please note: Even though our registered addresses are the same as our host schools, please ensure you are paying Camp Canary (not Canary Wharf College) or we will not receive your payment. Universal Credit You will need to pay by credit card (do not tick the "paying by childcare voucher" box at checkout). You can then provide Universal Credit with your receipt for reimbursement if eligible.