Camp Canary is an Ofsted registered, holiday childcare camp open to all children of primary school age. We operate during every holiday throughout the year, including most public school holidays. The children participate in varied activities based around a weekly theme (such as Galactic Adventures) but we include time each day for children to play and choose what they want to do.
We offer special activities each week such as animal visits, bouncy castles, or trips to the local farm. Camp Canary is a safe and fun childcare provision that you can trust. We love making your child feel welcome, whether it's just for a day or weeks at a time; their enjoyment and well-being is our priority.
The Camp Canary team endeavour to work and live by our core values:
We put the effort in
We adopt a ‘can do attitude’ and don’t shy away from challenges. We take pride in every part of our roles, however small. We use our own initiative and show our commitment, continuously improving ourselves. We believe in our own ability, inner strength and resilience.
We build trust
We are open and honest, if we need help we will ask. We lean on each other and use the team around us for support. We value each other’s contribution and notice the positive things that others do. We follow through and do what we say we are going to do.
We have fun
We smile! We engage with all children and adults, showing an interest. We laugh with each other and not ateach other. We are positive and find enjoyment in what we do.
We are kind
We are patient and put ourselves in other’s shoes. We pay attention to others and reach out if they need help. We remember our manners and niceties. We give equal opportunities and avoid favouritism.
We stay safe
We follow the timings and structure of the club. We are consistent. We build community and respect the rights of every child and every adult. We respect ourselves. We trust our gut instincts.